We've only just begun...

I decided to start a Wedding blog!
I thought it would be a good way to track my experience and also a great way to communicate with the wedding party and other interested parties on what the latest and greatest news on the upcoming Quinley-Odom nuptials.

Shane and I are very excited about our commitment to each other and sharing our excitement with the people who are closet to us.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Shane and I discovered this cool company at the Bridal show called Smooch. They were founded in the UK and are now growing to the US. They do not have a store front but instead they come to you! It was an enjoyable and extremely fun, relaxed process. We had a lovely jewelry consultant named Dominique! Originally from Washington State (yes I asked her about Forks! I am a nerd.) We hit it off and just talked about everything under the sun, as we looked through tons of ring options. They had a lot of cool rings and a lot of custom options. The possibilities were endless, which can be a little overwhelming. 

She helped Shane and I work through our completely different tastes in jewelry.  Shane likes yellow polished gold and I like silver matte! She helped us find a ring that we both liked that had elements of each of our tastes to symbolize us being together but still individuals. I loved it! I know I am a sucker for symbolism. 

It was a fun night! We didn't make a final selection, we are going to shop around a little more, but Smooch is going to be hard to beat!  www.smoochweddingrings.com

Who knew that ring shopping could be sooo hilarious!

Bling Bling! My fingers were throbbing after trying on so many different rings! ( and Yes! I have done some hand modeling you may recognize some of my work like Allstate commercials and hand washing signs in Primrose Schools!)

These were the final two rings that we finally boiled it down to: drum roll please.....
Mine is a white gold band with channel set bagguets that are set in the same direction that my diamond is set. 
Shane's was a two tone with polished yellow gold bands on the outer edges and a white gold band in the middle, we had also talked about including a bagguet in his ring to match mine.

The search continues.... 

1 comment:

  1. I like the ring you picked out and it looks like the one from the magazine :)
